Meeting Room Request

Room Request Guidelines for Ministries

Room Requests

All room requests must be made with the Room Request Form and submitted at least two weeks prior to the activity date.

Approval Process

Requests are subject to approval by the parish office. Confirmation will be provided within three business days of the request.


Church-related activities have priority over external activities/events. In case of a scheduling conflict, priority will be given based on the ministry's alignment with the church's mission and activities and dates of activity and form submission.

Setup and Cleanup

Ministries are responsible for setting up the room for their event and returning it to its original condition afterward. This includes setting up additional tables and chairs if required, disposing of trash, sweeping any fallen food and restoring furniture to original layout. Please remember these rooms are used by the school early in the morning.

Equipment Use

Any use of church-owned audio-visual or other equipment must be specified on the request form and returned to the parish office no later than next business day. Prior training on equipment usage may be required.

Food and Beverages

If food or beverages will be served, this must be indicated in the request form. The ministry is responsible for ensuring that all food is handled safely and the area is cleaned afterward.


Decorations are permitted but must not damage the facility (no nails, staples, or tape that leaves residue). All decorations must be removed immediately after the event.


Access to the assigned room must be secured at the parish office during working hours. Ministries are responsible for ensuring the facility is secured (lights off, doors locked) after use.


If the request is for an activity involving minors, a responsible adult (21 years or older) must be present and supervising at all times during the activity. All Archdiocesan Safe Environment procedures must be followed at all times.

Noise Levels

Noise must be kept at a reasonable level to avoid disturbing other activities or neighboring rooms or properties.

Emergency Procedures

Ministries must familiarize themselves with the church’s emergency procedures, including the locations of exits, fire extinguishers, and first aid equipment and kits.

Damage and Liability

Any damage to the facility must be reported immediately. The ministry responsible for the damage may be liable for repair costs.

Cancellation Policy

If a request needs to be canceled, please notify the Facilities Manager at least 48 hours in advance. Repeated cancellations without notice may affect future booking privileges.

These guidelines help ensure that all ministries can use the church facilities smoothly and responsibly. If you have any questions or need assistance with your reservation, please contact the parish office.